Saturday, July 17, 2010

my first gig, unofficially

yesterday was a lot of fun. i did a sort of Pro Bono gig for a friend whose friend runs a music studio. this friend of mine is a photography-hobbyist-turning-pro who did yesterday's promotional photos of singing little kids who will front a local artist's performance this week. i expected around ten kids, but i only got to do 5, one of which a boy so i did basically four girls aging between four and nine. 
the process was easy and challenging at the same time. see, kids have the healthiest of skins - they don't have pimples, dark circles, eye bags, black heads. they are basically flawless even without the foundation. but they are just kids. while i'm doing their makeup, some tinker on my brush sleeve, others endlessly ask you what each brush is for.  then they suddenly look up when you're putting shimmer powders on their lids. but, really, it was so much fun. 
i did a smokey eye/rock chic look on them, since the theme was pop rock. i did manage to not be overly dramatic about the smokey eye, and still retain their childish, innocent looks by putting barely there blush and nude lips . i'd say i'm happy with what i did. 
and oh, i was able to use my self-devised brush sleeve, which one of the stage moms there affirmed with. whatelse, hmm..i also used a belt and hung there this bag organizer i bought at the department store. that combination would become my makeup artist belt :)
i'll post pics of these things i mentioned along with the kids' pictures when they become available. till the next makeover!

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